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Rescue kitten bottle feed


We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so donations are tax deductible for those individuals filing taxes with itemized deductions.
WAGS is a group of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about helping the animals of Waukegan and its surrounding areas.
We are an auxiliary group formed to raise desperately needed donations and supplies for the animals of Waukegan and Waukegan Police Animal Control.
Our aim is to provide assistance with everything from basic medicines and veterinary care to spay/neutering, adoption assistance, and community education.
If you too care deeply about some of our most vulnerable Waukegan residents, and would like to know more about our group, or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact us!

We need you to help us make a difference! WAGS is always looking for people to get involved. There are many ways you can help and we can benefit from your talents and passion.
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